Dr. Robert likes to say divorces happen between 5 and 7 PM because that’s when what he and Sarah call “the cannonball e ffect” happens.

Now, you might be wondering what the cannonball effect is and why it is important to you and your marriage? The cannonball effect happens when you walk in the door after a long day of working and your kids and your spouse just bombard you with every kind of question and you get a bunch of “I needs” from your partner. It’s akin to an emotional ambush righ t as you c ome in to your home.


The hours of 5–7 PM are ripe for conflict that leads to divorce if you don’t know how to manage the Cannonball Effect, which happens when you come home from work and are absolutely bombarded by needs and demands from your family without any transition time.  We can teach how to create the necessary transition time, but you have to download this PDF to learn how.

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